Saturday, April 26, 2008

Flight Chronicles - Grounded

Well, the heli is down for a count. I attempted repairing the broken pieces, but now it just wants to dart straight to the left on take off, making in house flight nearly impossible for a beginner such as myself. Outside I can hold it for a few seconds, but it swirls out of control eventually. So, unfortunately all of my cobbled up fixes couldn't put my heli back together again. I will have to order me some new pieces online. I wish there were a store near by that carried the parts, but they do not have any for my model. When the new pieces come in, I will get some video and post it for you all to see my krazy new skillz behind the controls.

Until then, I'll be looking out the window at those still days, waiting for the parts. Oh wait, it snowing outside. I guess there is no hurry after all. April 26th and snow, imagine that. Hey Al, can we turn the thermostat up again. I prefer global warming.



Unknown said...

That is really sad. Have you tried looking for parts at Hub Hobby in Richfield?

Eleven said...

I have not stopped by the Richfield store. That would be worth looking in to. I think I will just order them online though, since they will probably get here by the the time I get to the Richfield store any how.

Jim said...

Hah, forgot to log Eleven out. Woops.