Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Flight Chronicles - It is just to calm to work

I stepped outside to let the doggy do her duty and noticed that it was all too calm this morning. Really calm. Yeah, I need to get to work, but how can I resist, so I rushed Daisy through her process and tuned up the bird, took her out and set her free. What a beautiful morning. By the end of the battery, the little gusts started up, I was just in time. I even had a couple of really sweet left side in flights. I can feel that break point coming, you know, the point where it changes from frustration, to almost normal.

Yeah, it was a good morning to fly, short, but good. If only I were a morning person, I probably could have run 3 or 4 batteries through the bird.



Keith K. said...

We're all so very proud. You can do it!

Unknown said...

I'm really not that proud actually.

Jim said...

Joe, you are so hurtful.